Day 123: Wednesday May 3, 2017

Good morning everyone! So happy it’s already Hump Day, albeit a slightly gross rainy one. 

**Honesty Police Intervention**

I have a confession to make, I wasn’t completely honest about my situation yesterday. I kinda painted the situation to make it seem like I was only slightly stressed out about everything, way off. Guys I was full on meltdown mode with all the crying, complete lack of objective thought, absolute negative spiral town. It was a bad place, but honestly I’m glad I went there. It took me an hour, and an insanely hot relaxing shower to put things into perspective. My mind needed to find the positive. No matter what situation I get into there’s a positive in it. It may take a while to find what that is, be it hours, days, or weeks, but so far, something positive has always come out of it. This situation was no different. It will take some time for this positivity to come to fruition but now that I know how to help make it happen, I’ve been able to take control of what I can, and let go of the rest. 

Busy Hunting Goals

Ok sorry, confession over, back to Hump Day. Hope everyone has plans to be epically productive the rest of the week, keep an eye on the prize, and work towards those goals (or as one of the best anonymous quotes I’ve read said, “I hunt goals”). I love that quote, it shows that it really is important to be active in your goal setting and working towards achieving them. I’m really going to set out some time and chronicle out my goals for this upcoming month and all that I hope to achieve, and my plans for achieving them. 

Money, Money, Money!

After work I did a ton of shopping because apparently 90% of the people in my life have birthdays in May, not to mention Mother’s Day. I got in a ton of steps and equally but definitely more painfully, spent a ton of money. Not that it’s not worth it, all the amazing people in my life are absolutely worth dishing out money for for gifts but all at once makes my wallet sad. I’ll be nice to it for the next month or two just to let it heal. 

Planning Ahead Paradise

Shopping took a huge hit out of my evening so I got home late but of course still had tons to do. Did some prep for my lunches the rest of the week making sure everything is just ready to go and the same goes for my outfits (major time saver when I’m in sloth early morning mode). 

Wish Me Luck

With the craziness of the past few days, along with my mind just not shutting off at night equalling seriously crappy night sleeps I’m too happy when my head finally does hit the pillow. Hopefully the rest of the week will be way less eventful and instead just awesome. Cross your fingers for me. 

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