I Don’t Know What to Write About

I Don't Know What to Write About - How to Overcome Writer's Block and Write Awesome Content One of my worst worries as a blogger is going to sit down to have a brainstorming session and then it's just crickets. No ideas come in, nada. It's like those scenes in those old Western movies and... Continue Reading →

What Does Success Look Like to You?

When you see the word ‘success’ what comes to mind? Is it all the money you could ever need? Is it a big house with a big yard for your kids to play in? Is it traveling the world on a private jet? Whatever it is, picture it crystal clear in your mind. Now, what... Continue Reading →

New Job, New Chapter

Sorry for radio silence lately everyone. I've been having quite the tornado of health issues and to be completely honest I haven't had the energy to think of blogging let alone sitting down to actually write anything. Some exciting things have happened in the meantime though, which is totally making up for the annoying and... Continue Reading →

My Top 6 Entrepreneur Inspirations 

I know the people on this list don't consider themselves entrepreneurs first; just like I don't consider myself a 9-5er first. Being an entrepreneur is simply another aspect of these amazing people's lives. It is the way they have been able to make what their passion is the way they earn their livelihoods that makes... Continue Reading →

New job nerves

So I finally did it; after months of email notifications, resumé tweaks, and cover letters, I finally got a job. I will admit that with every new experience I had the expected nerves, but more than anything I was excited.  This new job is really a chance for me to do something in the area... Continue Reading →

The work grind 

I am now able to fully appreciate the difficulty that exists in finding a permanent job. Although I just officially graduated from University this month, I had applied to no less than 100 jobs to no avail.  Fortunately I managed to obtain a temporary contract job and for that I am very thankful. This is... Continue Reading →

Work From Home Wondering 

This finding a full time stable job is exhausting. It's been a few months and I'm still on the hunt. It being summer doesn't help either, with people on holidays most job opportunity channels have slowed to a crawl or stopped altogether. Clearly these fortunate job having souls don't understand that the no job struggle... Continue Reading →

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