Chakras and Chores

Day 247: Monday September 4, 2017 

Happy Monday everyone (if you’re in my neck of the woods it’s a long weekend Monday so hope you’re enjoying it well). Today may be a holiday for me but it appears my brain didn’t get the memo. I woke up right at my normal work day time wide awake and ready to start the day; and crazy that I am I actually got up. I guess I figured I might as well get up and get some stuff done. 

I did the usual computer stuff with emails and the blog first thing so getting that big chunk of stuff done right off the bat got me feeling productive. I try to get the tough stuff out of the way first thing in the morning when I find myself feeling most motivated and focused. For me, I get my best work done first thing in the morning and later at night (book end productivity I guess) so I try to do my most important work either right when I’m waking up our an hour or so before bed. Designating my peak times to my most important tasks ensures I’m giving my most important work my best energy and effort. 

After all my writing work I needed some exercise because let’s face it hours behind a computer gets me restless. Luckily I signed up for a free challenge with The Journey Junkie community. It is a free seven day chakra challenge and I’ve just done Day 1 and I’m already loving it. The challenge gives us a yoga flow to follow related to each specific chakra along with knowledge related to each one. I don’t really know anything about chakras so I figured I should definitely give this challenge a go. This first flow was for the root chakra, at the base of the spine. It was really fun to try the poses and know why each one is important and related to the root chakra and what it is for. Check out the flow for Day 1 of the Chakra challenge (Root Chakra) Here.

I’ve also signed up for a 14 day fitness challenge which starts tomorrow. Of course as luck would have it, the yoga challenge and fitness challenge coincide but that’s what makes it fun. It’ll be hard work and my body is probably going to wonder why it’s getting so much hard work all at once but hey I won’t know my limits if I don’t push them right? I did the Lori Harder 14 Day Challenge last year and absolutely loved it. The workouts are quick and easy to follow; but oh man are they killer. After each workout my body is an equal mix of exhilarated and exhausted. I’m excited to see if I’ve improved since the last challenge. Regardless of the outcome of both challenges I’m just really looking forward to participating in both and expanding my athletic repertoire (and working on getting that six pack certainly won’t hurt). In all honesty though, I workout for how awesome it makes me feel and that great sense of accomplishment that comes from crushing a workout. 

Hope everyone’s had a fantastic Monday. I’ll keep you all updated on how the chakra challenge and the Lori Harder 14 day challenge are going along the way. Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone. Cheers. 

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