Yoga, Cardio, and a Fitness Challenge, Oh My!

Day 248: Tuesday September 5, 2017

Happy Tuesday / feels like Monday because I had Monday off, everyone. Hope everyone’s had a wonderful productive Tuesday. 

Work was the definition of insanity today. It was one thing after another after another all day long. I almost skipped the gym today because I had so much to do but I knew if I skipped today then I’d probably skip tomorrow and it would just snowball from there. The truth is there’s always going to be tons to do. The important thing is I need to figure out what matters most to me and for me that is my health. I love my job and the work I do but if I don’t take care of myself first, then everything else around me that I care about will suffer. So no matter how busy work is I take my break. I need that physical activity to clear my head and give me some exercise to get through my day. So even though my day was insane I still got myself out of the office and to the gym for my workout at lunch and I know that my work, coworkers, my body, and my mind all appreciated it. 

Today is a bit of an exception workout-wise, as will be the next ten days. I am doing both a 14 day fitness challenge and a 10 day yoga challenge. Of course both occur simultaneously but that’s just to test me and you bet I’m up for the challenge. 

Today was Day 1 of the Lori Harder 14 Day Fitness Challenge. This is my second year doing this awesome and believe it or not fun fitness challenge. Wickedly effective workouts in only 20 minutes a day, count me in. You can read my fantastic experience with Day 1: Here.

Today is also Day 2 of the Journey Junkie 10 Day Chakra Challenge. Today’s flow focused on the Svadhistana chakra. I am immensely enjoying this challenge. I am learning so much daily about the different chakras, what makes them important to different aspects of our lives and bodies, and how we can help ourselves in these areas with specific yoga flows focusing on each particular chakra. If you haven’t tried any of the Journey Junkie flows yet I highly recommend her youtube channel which you can check out Here.  Check out Day 2 of the 10 Day Chakra Challenge, Sacral Chakra, here: Here

Hope everyone’s had a wonderful Tuesday. Here’s to an equally wonderful, productive, and for me fitness filled Wednesday. Cheers!

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