Why ‘Life Lessons Laugh Sessions’?

I cannot believe I haven’t actually written about this before now. I was thinking today about this blog, basically my happy place, and I realized I didn’t even explain why I named it “Life Lessons, Laugh Sessions” and I think it’s a good time to explain myself.

My life has always been a major adventure. From my medical hiccups and surgeries (I’ve lost count at this point) from my hydrocephalus. To the going through school having no idea what I wanted to be when I “grew up”, and let’s be honest that still changes every now and then. To the adventures we all face with family and friends and finding “our people”. Life has never once been boring but I think that’s why I’ve become the way I am.

I have definitely faced my fair share of challenges throughout life so far but I truly am grateful for them. With each challenge or annoying speed bump I’ve faced, I’ve found one thing to be true time and time again. When you have a strong support system and sense of humour, you can get through anything.

Luckily for me, humour has always been central to my health routine. Through each surgery or medical hiccup I’ve always managed to keep a smile. The main reason for this positivity is that I have freaking AMAZING people in my life. My best friends always manage to make me laugh even if I’m lying in a hospital bed. Being able to find ways to joke and laugh even through crappy times has been essential for me. Science has shown that you heal better when you’re happy and I can attest to that. I always healed up quicker when I was able to go home quickly from surgeries and just be at home with my people, talking, laughing, watching funny movies, and just being in my space.

So as you can see my life has been a mix of the tough lessons and the good times. The Life Lessons part of my blog title comes from the fact that there is always a lesson from everything we encounter in life. This doesn’t mean you have to jus accept the shitty stuff that happens to you and be thankful for it. Crappy things happen and we do NOT need to thank them for occurring. Because I ascribe to the Law of Attraction I don’t thank bad stuff when it comes into my life because if I am thankful for it that will just send out the vibration of lack and bring more of that into my life. Instead I get thankful for the lessons I learn from those bad experiences. When I am thankful for the lessons I learn I bring more good and growth into my life (very slight difference in thinking but huge shift in outcomes). With that shift in gratitude not for the bad events but for the powerful lessons I learn as a result of them the ‘Life Lessons’ aspect of my blog just come to me.

The ‘Laugh Sessions’ aspect of the blog was always there I just never had the words for it. Humour has always been a central part of my life. My family are some of the funniest people I know and we can’t have a get together without all of us crying from laughing so hard. With that in my life since the very beginning, finding myself the joker in my group of friends was only inevitable. I always want my friends to be happy and cheer them up if they’re sad so making jokes has always been a part of my daily life. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to find the humour in crapy situations and be able to joke off the bad times and for that I will always be grateful. Going through surgery after surgery and medical setback after setback is a lot easier when you can joke your way through it. Being able to joke about my new “edgy” haircut when I had to get my head shaved surgery after surgery was a lot easier to deal with than getting stuck in the headspace of being “the girl with that horrible haircut because of her brain surgeries”. Being able to have that positive, humour first mindset definitely helped me keep my mind in the right headspace and not get stuck in the whirlwind of negativity. Now don’t get me wrong I have my fair share of negative thoughts and shitty days. But being able to have that support system that focuses on the good and always puts a smile on your face has made this crazy journey a lot more enjoyable.

So there you have it. This blog was a way to take those bad times and all the speed bumps (Life Lessons) and learn how to cope and get through them with the power of support, love, and laughter (Laugh Sessions). I truly hope that this blog helps you see the true amazingnes (of course I’m using made up words this isn’t new) that this life has to offer and what we can truly achieve and to always remember that you are supported, loved, and I’m always here if you need a mindset shift or a laugh. Have an absolutely wonderful day everyone. Cheers!

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