My February Intentions

I apologize for this late post and for not posting much this month but luckily enough it ties in with one of my core intentions for this month. I have three main intentions this month and they all center around one core theme; doing everything I can to get my whole being to the healthiest and happiest I’ve ever been, or at least been in a very long time.

1. Prioritize health – Yes I have a chronic illness. Yes I’m always in pain. Yes, unless a cure is found I will have this illness my entire life. But none of this means I’m helpless, even if it frequently feels like I am. Sure there are things I can’t control; but there are still things that I CAN control. I can decide to remind myself of what’s going right in my life. I can choose to keep returning to joy and hope. I can eat and drink things that fuel me and are good for my body. I can choose to move my body and workout, tailored depending on my pain level but still make sure to move my body each and every day. We only get one body so it is imperative we take care of it. This month my health is my primary focus. Yes this means things fall to the wayside, but considering what’s at stake if I don’t prioritize health, to me it’s worth it.

2. Create – Creating is as unique as each person who decides to create. This month I want to get more creative. Yes I write but there are still other creative things I’m intrigued about that I want to try. So this month I will make time to create. I will make room for this excitement and fun. Creating helps all areas of our lives and can bring so much joy (and you all know I’m always game for a vibration raising activity). There’s no one right way to create. So try out what gets you curious and excited and see what lights you up.

3. Seek and experience fun – I really think that we all need to experience more fun. There are so many benefits to fun in all aspects of our lives. And if I’m going to be completely honest, life’s too damn short to not have fun and make sure to have fun on a regular basis. With my illness I find myself hardly having any fun and basically just being in survival mode. If you’re struggling with a chronic illness, there is nothing wrong with just being in survival mode. Sometimes all you can do is get yourself out of bed or it takes everything in you to make it through the day. AND THAT’S OK. You should never be judged to saying no to social events. You should never feel guilty for having to stay home for your health. But when you can, try and do things for fun. They don’t have to be big things or long events, just try and do them when you can. Fun brings joy into our lives and when we experience joy our vibration raises and that’s good for our health. And they cycle honestly makes me want to have fun as often as I can.

Like I said at the beginning of this post, this comes out later in February because I needed to take care of myself. I needed to prioritize my health. If you don’t take care of your health you can’t possibly live your best life, and you deserve to. So this month, put your health first, create some magic however you want, and make time for joy. Cheers!

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