My March Intentions


Happy March everybody. It’s been a crazy 2020 so far to say the very least but that’s what makes it even more important in my opinion, to set monthly intentions. When life is crazy (which for me is basically 95% of the time), I find myself needing to find order in at least one area of my life. I need at least one solid part of my life that allows me to keep focused and have a plan for; which is why intentions have become so important for me. They keep me grounded. They allow me to have something to focus on and work towards. They also help me to improve upon skills in all areas of my life; and most importantly, they help me learn things, which I want to do as much as I can. This month I’ve got 4 main intentions all for different yet equally important reasons.

1. Increase my CONTENT OUTPUT and TRACK it: As Gary Vee says, no matter how much content you’re putting out, it’s not enough. There’s so many different platforms on which you can create content, so do it. For so long I overthought the content I made: is it sending the right message, am I using the right words, are my photos good enough, is my video quality good enough, and it goes on and on. But the most important truth in all this is that done is better than perfect. No one can learn about your message if you don’t even try to put it out there. I don’t post as much content as I’d like and this month I really want to change that. I usually focus on great captions for Instagram photos or clever things for Twitter or longer form Blog posts but that all isn’t necessary. Every piece of content doesn’t have to be the best, it just has to be put out there in the first place. This month I want to increase posting on all the social media platforms I’m on, and track it. By keeping track of my posts it will make it easier for me to see where I need to improve and the areas my posting is lacking. Also by tracking, I can see which types of content get the most engagement and tailor my feed to give my viewers more fo the type of content they like the most. I want my content to serve a purpose. I want it to help as many people as possible and to do that I have to know what they find most beneficial. By knowing this I can create content geared towards those areas of interest to help people even more and to bring even more people to those platforms.

2. Make every decision with the intention of putting my HEALTH FIRST (body, mind, & soul): This one takes a lot of work. This intention makes me be conscious with every decision I make, which is more difficult than I thought. Making conscious decisions means stopping before every choice; stopping and thinking about what is the best course of action. So often I live on autopilot just going through the motions, and magic doesn’t come out of the status quo. I want to help my body be as healthy as possible, in spite of my illness. It takes work to be healthy and I want to do what it takes to help my body function at its best, even with my illness. I won’t cure my illness but by making all my choices with the intention for my best health in mind, I can at least help my body heal and function properly.

3. PROTECT MY ENERGY with a consistent MEDITATION practice: Meditation is a very important part of my wellness practice. I do yoga and other exercises for my physical well-being, and I meditate for my mental and spiritual well-being. Meditation helps me clear my mind, which I never realized before would be so important. Life is crazy for all of us and I find that when I don’t meditate I get stressed quicker and over less, I feel more tightness in my body, my nerve pain gets worse, and my flares last longer. For most of my life I thought meditation had to be for long periods of time, in total silence, on a yoga mat, but I’ve learned through the short time I’ve been meditating that it looks vastly different from one person or day to the next. Sometimes I meditate “traditionally” on my yoga mat; other times, writing is my meditation, sometimes doing yoga is my meditation. What I’m learning is that meditation for me is less about the action and more about the state of mind. Meditation is about getting into alignment. It’s about returning to your soul and being completely and utterly present. Time passes differently when you’re present; the inessential fades away and you can hear clearly, your soul can hear and tell you what your ego has been trying to drown out or ignore. You don’t have to become a meditation master in one day, it takes time to find what works best for you, just try it out.

4. Start every day with a mindset of JOY & PEACE – CHOOSE POSITIVITY: This seems like a fairly easy thing to do, or at least I thought it was, until my illness kicked into overdrive. Choosing positivity and joy is fairly easy when things are going right, it’s a lot harder when things aren’t. When things aren’t going well, deciding that you will choose joy despite it is amazing active practice. It takes work rewiring your brain and deciding to have a good day even when things aren’t going right. This work is just like any workout, you need to practice every single day to improve. I don’t remotely start every day feeling joyful; in fact I start most days in bed crying with a pain flare, but that’s when I want to make the decision. I will decide that I will find the good in the day. I will decide that I will look for things to be grateful for and think about them throughout the day. When I consistently focus on joy and gratitude, it gets easier to remember that feeling and feel those emotions. This work also helps raise your vibration and it’s true that energy speaks louder than words and with that higher vibration, more things and people of that equally good energy can find you.

With what’s going on in the world right now it’s important to not forget your goals and plans. Sure things may have to be put off or changed for the time being, but that doesn’t mean they have to be abandoned completely. Take this time to get quiet. Get focused and clear about your goals, about what your soul wants, and what your heart needs. The world is going through craziness but that doesn’t mean we have to suffer through it; you’re given an opportunity to breathe, use it. Take care of yourselves. Cheers!

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