My April Core Desired Feelings

My April Core Desired Feelings

Happy April everyone. With all that’s going on right now I’m finding myself needing to be increasingly clear about how I want to feel each and every day. With all the craziness around us and the stressful events going on, it becomes difficult to control our energy and not have that negativity and stress overwhelm us.

This month I have four core desired feelings I keep revisiting and with all that’s been going on I’m finding it essential to listen to my soul to keep me grounded.

Peaceful: Let’s be honest, the world is insane right now. I’ve never lived through anything like this and I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling incredibly overwhelmed with all of it. We are getting bombarded by so much news every minute and the information is changing so rapidly that it’s almost impossible to keep up. Because of this I’ve been limiting my intake of news just because whenever I do, I feel my energy just getting zapped and my vibration plummeting. One of the hardest things about this whole situation for myself is that I can’t control anything. I’m a recovering (lifelong) control freak and feeling helpless isn’t something I handle very well. Because of this, I find myself desperately craving peace. I need that stillness and quiet to get away from all that’s going on right now. I need to feel more connected to my soul and raise my vibration out of the feeling of chaos that is basically inevitable right now.

Joyful: We can all use more joy. The collective energy of the world is rather low right now considering all that’s going on. As an empath I feel this energy incredibly strongly and it’s making me want to work extra hard to bring more joy into my life. With my pain also causing quite severe flares, in craving joy. I’m craving feeling joyful. I want to feel that heartwarming happiness, even in this crazy time. And I think I’ve been struggling with this because I was making it too complicated. Joy doesn’t have to be complicated. Joy can be a nice cup of coffee in the morning. Joy can look like sleeping in on a day off. It can be having a soulful conversation with someone you love. Joy can look like so many different things, it’s really up to you. The work is to decide how you want the joy in your life to look; and to consciously make time for it in your schedule.

Creative: There’s a lot of negative energy going around right now and it’s taking a toll on my creative energy. Usually I have a fairly easy time coming up with ideas for videos, blogs, and other types of content; but it’s becoming increasingly difficult. I’m finding myself getting focused on the negativity that’s coming out in the news and the incredibly sad things going on right now. And although it’s very important to be cognizant and aware of what’s going on it’s also important to not let it change our energy and take over our lives. Right now I want to focus on creativity. I want to create with joy. I want to make things that light up my heart and fulfill my soul’s need to feel useful and happy. Creativity doesn’t have to be about making huge things or life altering activities, it’s just about creating things that light you up, all of you.

Yes things are crazy right now. Yes it feels lonely not being able to see your people. Yes it feels confusing without a schedule and having our plans all thrown out the window. But even with all this going on it doesn’t mean that we can’t still work towards our goals. We may have to change our plan or delay certain things but that doesn’t mean we give up. Stay strong, this won’t last forever. We’re all in this together. Take care of yourselves.

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