My June Core Desired Feelings

My June Core Desired Feelings

I’m having a difficult time narrowing down my core desired feelings this month. Truth be told, I’m having a whirlwind of emotions basically every day just coping with my illness having really bad flares, hearing the news from people in my life about all that’s going on right now, and just feeling the negativity all around me. Because of this I’ve narrowed down my flurry of emotions to five main ones and they’re ones I’m most working on bringing more into my life.

1. Joy: Let’s be real, we could all use more joy. My flares have been getting more frequent and severe lately and because of that, although I hate to admit it, it’s had a significant affect on my negative mood. It takes a conscious decision to have joy and this month I want to work that much harder at finding the joy in my days. That joy can look like a million different things: working out (I know it’s crazy but often working out makes me feel good), connecting with my people, listening to a good podcast, any little thing that brings joy into your life is enough. It’s easy to let the negativity and pain around us overwhelm us and that’s why this month I want to take control of that and be the one deciding how I want to feel rather than letting life dictate how I respond.

2. Tuned In: This may seem like an odd core desired feeling but I’ve found myself feeling really disconnected from myself lately. With all that’s going on I find myself drowning out the media and all the negative news with anything to distract me and with that I’m having fewer moments of quiet and silence and because of that it gets even harder to even just hear my own thoughts. Being tuned-in is so helpful because it allows you to do things you truly want to do instead of feeling so lost and restless (even just for little things like what to do for something fun). But when I make less and less time for this peace I make less time for my soul’s true needs to come through and that’s oftentimes why I feel restless or lost.

3. Grounded: Chronic pain has a way of making me have my mind wander away from the now. Daydreaming and distracting myself with other things has always been a great way of not focusing on my pain or having it take over my thinking and frankly, make it so that it’s virtually impossible to think about anything else. Getting grounded is helpful because it connects me to my soul and my purpose and I frankly don’t do it enough. Being grounded can be a powerful process in that it can give you really powerful soul messages that sometimes you aren’t prepared for. But at the same time, it’s important to get grounded because it’s what we really crave. We’re meant to live in our alignment and our soul’s purpose. This month I want to try more to be in the moment and getting grounded. Meditation is really helpful with this but also is recognizing when we’re out of alignment, taking a moment to take a deep breath, and just recognize our chaos to return to the moment and get that ever important feeling of groundedness.

4. Peaceful: Life is often chaotic. There’s often tons of things going on and things coming from nowhere grabbing our attention or adding more work to our plate. With all the craziness I find myself in need of some serious peace. Instead of allowing the events around me get to my core and affect my inner peace I need to do the work to maintain my own inner peace. Meditation is a big tool in maintaining this peace. I need to make the time and be conscious about my goals and one way I’m conscious about this goal is through a consistent meditation practice. I can also be conscious about seeking peace by finding those moments to get out in nature and just be; not worry about the work I have to get done, just be with nature and take the time to notice all the beautiful things around me that I’m so often too preoccupied to take the time to notice.

5. Creative: Our souls need to be creative, however that looks. For myself, creativity looks like a lot of different things: random dance parties in my kitchen, trying cool new recipes, yoga, and my writing, to name a few. Whatever creativity looks like to you, make time for it. We aren’t meant to be robotic task completing machines 24/7. We’re meant to experience joy and fun, creativity is a big part of that. Don’t deprive yourself of joy just because you want to be productive. Yes being productive is important. Yes setting and going for your goals is important: they help us grow. But life would be pretty miserable if we didn’t have any fun. So even if you have to put it in your calendar, do it. Make time to be creative; you deserve it.

This month my blog post on my intentions is late, and that’s my fault. I didn’t make writing a priority. I chose to put other less important things above it. But what matters is noticing this and making the decision to commit to change. You don’t have to be perfect once you’ve set an intention, what matters is that you even bother to try and improve. Effort is what counts, so just do the best you can. You can be proud of that. Take care.

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