My June Intentions

My June Intentions

First of all, I just want to say that I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe considering all that’s going on lately. We’re currently experiencing an unprecedented event and with that comes shifts in my intention setting practice. My intentions haven’t changed too much but rather the importance of setting these intentions has been more important than ever. This month I have three key meditations. These meditations aren’t complicated, they aren’t fancy, but they’re helpful for my body, mind, and soul so they’re more important than ever.

Meditate daily: Meditation is so helpful and yet I so often forget that and let my meditation practice fall by the wayside. This month I need to be consistent with my meditation practice. I’m not the best at staying grounded for long meditations so I find myself drawn to shorter meditations. When I meditate I get those much needed pauses and moments to center myself. Meditation reminds me of the importance of returning to my breath and being focused on the present moment. My illness makes me get into “fight or flight mode” often with the pain and basically just needing to get things done out of sheer survival. Because of all of this I find myself looking more to the future for what I need to do to get things done rather than simply just living in the present moment. Life passes us by so quickly and we’re always focused on what has to get done or achieving some far off future goal, when life is really just about taking time to enjoy the moment. I know that building a meditation practice helps you live more in the present moment and goodness knows I need more of that.

Take breathing breaks: This intention goes hand in hand with increasing my meditation practice. Too often I just go through my day from one thing to the next from getting up to going to bed that I just forget to stop and honestly just take a breath. This doesn’t even have to be a frequent practice, it’s more just having the reminder to do so, I’ve heard from the wise authors I’ve read that this is such a crucial yet often forgotten tip. If you’re stressed, just stop and take a breath. If you can’t figure out an answer to a question, take a breath. If you’re lost emotionally, take a breath. Taking a breath reconnects us to key things. Taking a breath connects us to nature, to the air around us, to the true wonderful high vibration nature offers us. It reconnects us to the present moment, to right now, to what matters right in front of us. It reconnects us to our soul. Getting those breathing breaks let’s our soul messages come through and our needs be heard.

Keep a consistent yoga and weight training practice: Full disclosure, this might be a little tricky for some types of workouts this month because last month I completely wiped out and majorly busted my ankle. With that said, there’s still several types of workouts I can do. I plan to keep up a consistent weight training practice even though I have at home. I have some hand weights at home so that will make doing weights easy enough. The thing I’ve noticed in the last month is that what mattered the most for my health is that I made an effort to workout. Even if it’s just five minutes, it makes a difference. Consistent effort builds strength and I plan on staying consistent. My yoga practice will look a little different because I can’t do any poses that put pressure on my ankle but there are so many different poses I can do that won’t put pressure on my ankle. When life comes at you it’s about adaptability, things hardly ever happen as we expect so we have to go with the flow and adapt as we go and that’s exactly what I plan to continue doing.

Your intentions don’t have to be gigantic earth shattering changes in your life. Your intentions don’t have to be in the double digits. What matters most is making the effort to set intentions at all. Intentions help us to improve our lives and if you make the effort, with time those moments of effort and work will build and grow over time. “Nothing changes if nothing changes”, is a quote I’ve seen countless times and it couldn’t be more true. If you don’t make any efforts to improve yourself or your life, you can’t expect anything to improve. Even small changes are enough to make a difference. So decide that you want to make your life the best you can and set even just one intention and stick to it. Here’s to a great June. Cheers!

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