April Intentions

I’m noticing a lot of repetition in my focus this year. Repetition in my core desired feelings and intentions and at first I thought it was a sign of failure in that I hadn’t achieved the goals I’d wanted to but after a little thinking I saw it differently. This repetition is just making it... Continue Reading →

Why Getting in Shape is so Damn Hard…and it isn’t your workouts

If you ask people what their top goals and "wishes" are, so many would say they want to get in shape. I'll admit I'm one of those people. We are so inundated by the media showing us these "perfect" bodies and I'm sorry but it's damn hard to not look at those bodies and compare... Continue Reading →

LH 14 Day Challenge: Day 14

Day 344: Sunday December 10, 2017 Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you’ve all had a fantabulous weekend. I’ve been so busy lately with all things Christmas planning that I’ve been finding it hard to find time to just sit down and write. So today I somehow finally found some time and I figured I’d take it... Continue Reading →

LH 14 Day Challenge: Day 4

Day 334: Thursday November 30, 2017 Happy Friday Jr everyone! Hope you’re all having a fabulous week and are crushing the challenges you set for yourself and working on setting new and even bigger goals. My body is really being stubborn this week which is reeking havoc on my motivation for this workout challenge. My... Continue Reading →

LH 14 Day Challenge: Day 3

Day 333: Wednesday November 29, 2017 Happy Hump Day everyone. Today is Day 3 of the Lori Harder 14 Day Challenge. This challenge is different from the previous challenges I've done with Lori in that it's a HoliBurn challenge and am I ever feeling the burn. I love that I’m still feeling the effects of... Continue Reading →

Cars, Lights, and Cooking

Day 317: Monday November 13, 2017 Happy Monday everyone. Hope you’re all having a fantastic Monday and starting the week off fresh. This Monday was a treat for me since I actually got it off from work. Even though I was off today my body didn’t seem to get the memo because I woke up... Continue Reading →

Giving Thanks and Taking Care of Myself

Day 282: Monday October 9, 2017 Happy make it count Monday everyone! Today is day 3 of my wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and I can't believe how fast it's gone. This weekend has been such a wonderful mix of fun, friends, family, food, writing, exercise, everything that makes my day better and helps to fill up... Continue Reading →

Chakra Challenge Day 2

Day 267: Sunday September 24, 2017 Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend spending it exactly how you want. The weather was absolutely amazing today so I spent the majority of my day outside.  I managed to sleep in this morning which was wonderful. Once I got up I had my coffee... Continue Reading →

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