My January Intentions

I’ve decided that I’m taking the control back in my life. For so long I just lived day to day and just felt like life was unfolding around me; but that’s not what’s happening. Life is happening for us, we just have to decide how we want to live. I’m a big believer in hard... Continue Reading →

My December Core Desired Feelings

I want to end this year on a strong note, one that leaves me eager and ready to take on the upcoming year and get me ready and in the zone to make 2020 my most productive and fulfilling year to date. This month I have four core desired feelings, each with its own unique... Continue Reading →

My November Intentions

My November Intentions ***************************************************This month has been so insane health wise that my focus is on living as connected and calm as I can. I have four main intentions this month and they all piece together to have my life as peaceful and quiet as I can. I need to heal my body after having... Continue Reading →

November Word of the Month: Supported

When it rains, it pours. Over the last week of October and the first week of November I’ve had two surgeries and a handful of related hospital visits; and I am exhausted. I’m not just talking physically exhausted, that’s fairly easy to get over. I’m dealing with a major case of mental and emotional exhaustion.... Continue Reading →

My Stolen Health

My Stolen Health How my health was here one day and gone the next, and how my life’s perception got flipped on its head **************************************************************************** She’s gone and daily I’m terrified that I won’t ever see her again. This might sound like the start of a mystery novel or some psychological thriller but in reality... Continue Reading →

26 Lessons In 26 Years

26 Lessons In 26 Years The 26 most important, practical, and funny lessons I've learned so far on this crazy life journey ********************************************************************************* I’ve been feeling rather reflective lately with my birthday coming and going. Looking back on these past 26 years I realized that I’ve been through a shit ton of stuff. And some... Continue Reading →

My October Intentions

My October Intentions **************************************************** This month I’m focusing on three main intentions. They’re not complicated, nor are they time consuming, but they are all incredibly important at helping me get into as positive and high vibration a state as I can. I need to focus on getting myself into the most positive and high vibration... Continue Reading →

October Word of the Month: Refocus

OCTOBER WORD OF THE MONTH: REFOCUS *********************************************************** This month will be a reorganization month. This month I want to basically wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. Goals are meant to be made regularly and kept track of, and I need to get back to that. Lately I’ve been letting my illness run the... Continue Reading →

October Core Desired Feelings

I’ve never had core desired feelings come to me so clearly and so quickly in a meditation. My core desired feelings this month came through so loud and clear that I simply couldn’t ignore them. They’re three simple words and I hadn’t even thought consciously about them, but they make so much sense seeing them... Continue Reading →

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