I’m Back…Again

So here’s the deal, I’ve written and rewritten this post ten different times in ten different ways trying to find the perfect way to explain why I’ve been so quiet on the blog for so long and the thing is that this post is never going to be perfect, because I’m not perfect. So to... Continue Reading →

My fun intentions for 2023

I think we can all agree that 2022 was a rollercoaster ride. We’ve all had our huge ups and equally large downs. We’ve all been living through unprecedented times and experiencing once in a lifetime events. This year has been full of lessons, moments we’ll never forget, and truthfully, some moments we never want to... Continue Reading →

My February 2021 Intentions

My February 2021 Intentions How is it already the second month of 2021?! The older I get the more I understand older folks when they say that time flies by even faster the older we get. As it’s still early on in 2021 I want to keep a few of my routines and get back... Continue Reading →

My Yoga Journey

MY YOGA JOURNEY - MORE THAN JUST NAMASTE AND YOGA PANTS I used to think yoga was just about the physical aspects; you get super flexible, feel proud of yourself, and that's that. For myself, yoga used to be about doing particular movements, poses, and about increasing range of motion and flexibility. I remember years... Continue Reading →

My June Intentions

My June Intentions First of all, I just want to say that I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe considering all that’s going on lately. We’re currently experiencing an unprecedented event and with that comes shifts in my intention setting practice. My intentions haven’t changed too much but rather the importance of setting... Continue Reading →

June Word of the Month: Pause

JUNE WORD OF THE MONTH: PAUSE Sometimes you just need to stop. Especially with all that’s going on right now it’s important we take control of our days instead of letting what’s going on around us control us. Because of the chaos of today’s events, this month I need to pause. Taking time to pause... Continue Reading →

My February Intentions

I apologize for this late post and for not posting much this month but luckily enough it ties in with one of my core intentions for this month. I have three main intentions this month and they all center around one core theme; doing everything I can to get my whole being to the healthiest... Continue Reading →

My February Core Desired Feelings

**Trigger warning: anxiety, depression** Truth time. I’ve been having a really hard time this first month and a half of 2020. My symptoms have been on overdrive and I’ve been crippled by pain more days than not. And although I hate to admit it, this physical pain is taking a serious toll on my mental... Continue Reading →

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