My Pandemic Point of View as a Chronically Ill Person

My Pandemic Point of View as a Chronically Ill Person Full disclosure, I struggled a lot in deciding whether or not to write this post. I know there is a lot of struggle going on right now and because this is so unprecedented, we don’t know how to react. But I came to the conclusion... Continue Reading →

Setbacks and Speed Bumps

I had a setback in my 9-5 job recently. Well not in my current one but in a different position at a higher level I was hoping to get. Now the old me would have been crushed by this. I mean I would have gone full on negativity spiral. I would have thought it was... Continue Reading →

Scars and Stories

Alright, major truth is about to be dropped here. With hydrocephalus I've had lots of surgeries; it's around 20-something, I've honestly lost count. With all these surgeries I've collected a rather impressive (in terms of contest fuel) collection of scars. Most of the time I don't even notice my scars; they're part of me like... Continue Reading →

Why ‘Life Lessons Laugh Sessions’?

I cannot believe I haven’t actually written about this before now. I was thinking today about this blog, basically my happy place, and I realized I didn’t even explain why I named it “Life Lessons, Laugh Sessions” and I think it’s a good time to explain myself. My life has always been a major adventure.... Continue Reading →

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