Woman Crush Wednesday: Katie Dalebout

If you’ve read any of my blog posts you’ll know I’m full on obsessed with podcasts. I love how diverse they are i covering their range of topics and all the different hosts of them. I first heard about today’s Woman Crush Wednesday while listening to an episode of Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta. During this conversation Katie was just so honest and open it was like listening to a conversation with a friend. So when I found out that Katie had her own podcast I knew I had to listen.

Katie’s podcast ‘Let it Out’ is unlike any podcast I’ve listened to. Katie’s episodes are always long conversations and even though they can go up to 2-3 hours it never ever feels like it. Each episode just feels like you’re listening to friends have a conversation. These conversations are so great because they get to the good stuff. Katie always has a way of getting her guests to really open up about their passions and what really lights up their souls.

Each episode I learn something new. With each new guest I learn about an organization, product, community, or cause that I’ve never heard of but that somehow resonates with me. Katie only chooses guests and sponsors that truly mean a lot to her and I greatly respect that and how she stays true to her principles to give her community and her supporters the best service she can.

Ok I gotta talk about Katie’s laugh real quick. You know when some people are interviewing on podcasts and their guest says something and they do that fake obligatory laugh? I’m not judging because I’m sure it’s super awkward to have those conversations and still ask the questions they want to ask but there’s just something that gets taken away when someone laughs like that. Katie is the polar opposite. The conversations on her podcast just flow so easily and are so genuine that when she laughs you can just tell it’s so authentic and genuine.

There’s a segment during Katie’s podcast where she asks her guests a series of questions. These questions range from simple to incredibly profound and I love every single one of them. What’s the best thing you’ve had to eat in the last 24 hours? I mean, food is awesome so being able to hear from guests about their delicious food choices and getting ideas for restaurants to visit, really can’t go wrong there. What’s your favourite day of the week? I love hearing the guests answers to this because although some have the same favourite day, their reasonings behind their choice are all different. This simple question really gives insight into what’s really important to people on a smaller scale and really gives us something to consider when we look at our daily schedules. What are your thoughts on social media? This question is so pertinent to today’s world. I love hearing different guests thoughts on it. Some love it. Some really don’t use it so they are pretty indifferent to it. Some really aren’t fans. The one common thread to all answers is that it can be a wonderful tool for connection. I completely agree with this because without social media I wouldn’t have connected to some wonderful women (Katie included) who are such wonderful lights, influences, and teachers in my life. What are your thoughts on spirituality, what happens when we die? This question is a major thought provoker. Through my spirituality journey, my own answer to this question has changed and grown. It’s super enlightening seeing the different points of view of her guests on this subject and it always leaves me thinking about this even more with a new perspective.

Being able to find a podcast that feels more like conversations with friends but still has the ability to uplift you is super rare. Since the very first episode I ever listened to of Let it Out I’ve honestly just felt a connection to Katie. Her honesty, love for her guests, and mission to help others is just so apparent in everything she does and I’m just so grateful I found out about her when I did.



The ‘Let it Out’ Podcast with Katie Dalebout

Twitter @KatieDalebout

Instagram @Katiedalebout

Grab Katie’s book “Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling” HereRadically Loved with Rosie Acosta Episode 78 with Katie Dalebout

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