Woman Crush Wednesday: Kesha

Music is more than simply notes strewn together; it’s an experience. How many of us have a song that when we hear it, remember our first heartbreak, or a first love? Music has the power to be the soundtrack to our biggest moments, our worst days, our best days, and everything in between. There are so many artists I’m grateful for having in my ears throughout my life but one in particular has been an incredibly important influence in my life, the unbelievable unicorn goddess that is Kesha.

From the first time I heard a Kesha song I knew I’d found the musical maven I’d been waiting for. Whether it was a dance classic like Tik Tok or a heart tugging jam like The Harold Song, Kesha was on my playlists for pretty much every event in my life. Life is full of ups and downs and having a good support system is essential. Although friends and family are wonderful to have during those ups and downs, sometimes there’s nothing better than going home and blasting a song that perfectly describes how you’re feeling. The lyrics to Kesha’s music goes from silly and fun, can you say Godzilla, to incredibly raw and vulnerable, like Praying. Having that range in not only melodies but lyrics makes Kesha’s music entertaining, and relatable.

This year I’ve really come to believe that our souls have kin all around the world and when you are near them or hear/read their work. I believe that for myself, Kesha is one of those people. Her mixture of glitter, unicorn magic, and rock and roll is that perfect blend of awesomeness. I find Kesha an incredibly inspiring person for how she is always authentically herself. She doesn’t bend to the demands of others or portray herself in any way other than how she feels is best. With the demands of the music industry always wanting artists to act a certain way, portray a certain brand, be their type of artist, it’s a wonder artists know who they truly are at all.

Another reason Kesha deserves today’s Woman Crush Wednesday title is her incredible strength through her recent legal battle. We all have a voice and I truly cannot imagine what I would do if mine had been silenced. In this respect I find it incredibly brave of Kesha to go through the legal battle she fought so hard for to simply be able to express her voice. As an artist, her songs and her music are part of her and when they were silenced, it’s like a part of her was as well. I cannot imagine the strength it would take to keep fighting to simply be heard and have a part of you brought back into the light. That strength is not only admirable but it’s a quality that I would aspire to emulate with any project or subject I feel passionately about.

Kesha has always been an advocate for animal rights which is another fabulous reason she’s an amazing human. The need to treat others, human and animal, with kindness, love, and respect is an important quality to possess. Treating others with respect regardless of what they can offer us in return can be a difficult quality to learn and practice but it is incredibly important if we all with to live in harmony with one another. We don’t have to all like each other (because let’s face it nobody is liked by everybody) but treating others with respect regardless of whether or not they are a ‘friend’ is something we all need to practice.

Whether you love her for her awesomely fun dance tunes, her unapologetically ‘me’ way of being, the unicorns and glitter, or a combination of all of the above, Kesha is certainly a well deserved addition to the Woman Crush Wednesday roster. Have an absolutely fantabulous Wednesday everyone. Cheers!

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