Man Crush Monday: Gary Vaynerchuk

I’ve written and rewritten this post so many times because I wanted it to be as awesome as the person about whom it’s being written. But then that same person’s voice goes off in my head telling me to fuck trying to make this post perfect and to just dive in and do it. I’m taking about the epic human that is Gary Vaynerchuk.

Now there’s nothing about Gary Vee that I could tell you that you couldn’t already find out from Gary’s own content (the man is a mass producer of content and let me tell you, it’s freaking awesome stuff); so I’m not going to write about all of Gary’s accomplishments and instead I’m going to write about what I’ve learned from this epic human.

First thing’s first, I have a confession to make; I was never an entrepreneur growing up. I don’t have the stories of selling lemonade on the corner, or trading Pokémon cards to get the more rare ones to then sell, none of it. I was a really outgoing kid so when I was volunteering with my aunt at events or trying to raise money for charities or events at school I had no problem going up to people and giving them “my pitch” but I never really thought about making money for myself that way.

I grew up and got my first job as a teenage at a restaurant, like so many other teens do just to get some money for school, a car, and just some spending money. Truth be told, I grew up with the story of “you graduate high school and you go to college or university and that’s that” so going to university had always been in my story, but what for exactly kept changing as I grew. I wanted to be a doctor, then a vet, then a news reporter, the list just goes on. But one thing was constant, those around me emphasized job security over actually enjoying what you do.

Throughout my twenties I’ve changed jobs a few times in search of that “job security treasure” and i can tell you it’s been an eventful journey and at the same time, I may have found the job security that people kept talking about but I really couldn’t be farther away from the actually enjoying my days part. And that’s why, as if put into my life for the purpose of shaking me to my senses, I came across a podcast episode with a guest by the name of GARY VAYNERCHUK.

I was hooked on Gary and his message from the first minute of the episode. His enthusiasm, drive, and story were so infectious I couldn’t help but find out more about this seriously epic human. Gary is one of the hardest working people I’ve ever seen. He’s always in meetings, giving talks, working in his companies, and of course working on his big goal to own the New York Jets.

If you haven’t yet, you need to check out Gary’s Podcast. Each episode is seriously packed with business advice that someone in ANY industry can find useful and apply to their business to take it to the next level. The thing about Gary is that he doesn’t make his content hard to find or, pay for returns. Gary’s content is available to anyone, for FREE. Gary makes it clear that he isn’t about the money, he’s about making sure people get the information they need to become as epic and have the best business they can. He even makes a point of making sure people are aware of this. I mean, if you go on any of Gary’s social media accounts you can find tons of his advice that’s honestly gold. Whether it’s a podcast episode of an interview Gary’s done, a podcast episode of a keynote speech, a podcast episode of a meeting, any of Gary’s books, his Youtube videos, his Instagram account, his Linkedin, seriously ANYTHING this man puts out is advice you can apply to your business.

I have immense respect for Gary for his priorities. Gary makes a point of recognizing the importance of health and how, without it, you really have nothing. Gary’s gratitude for his life is also insanely inspiring. Knowing where he’s come from, and what he’s overcome, and seeing how he still wakes up every day with a gratitude and not an assumption that all he has will stay there is something very rare that frankly, we need more of.

Whether you like him for his unbelievable work ethic, his drive, his ability to overcome, his unwavering ability to tell you the truth of what it’ll take to achieve your goals, or his incredibly down to earth nature, you’ll find something to appreciate about the epic human that is Gary Vaynerchuk. So remember, you only have this one life, so know your dreams, get out there, and make them a reality.


Gary Vaynerchuk on LinkedIn

Gary Vaynerchuk on Facebook

Gary Vaynerchuk on Twitter @garyvee

Gary Vaynerchuk on Instagram @garyvee

The Gary Vee Audio Experience

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