Man Crush Monday: Gary Vaynerchuk

I’ve written and rewritten this post so many times because I wanted it to be as awesome as the person about whom it’s being written. But then that same person’s voice goes off in my head telling me to fuck trying to make this post perfect and to just dive in and do it. I’m... Continue Reading →

Woman Crush Wednesday: Angie Lee

I only recently came across this most fabulous woman. Whenever I hear a podcast, read a book, meet someone in person, I can tell how likely I’ll be to resonate with what they’re saying by how authentic they are. I know, I know, there’s that super vague, over-used word AUTHENTIC. In some cases however, I... Continue Reading →

What’s My Story?

I recently saw a video by my favourite powerhouse entrepreneur couple Lori and Chris Harder and they dropped a majorly thought provoking question that I just had to share. They were talking about stories; the stories we tell ourselves about how our lives are, how they have been, and how they have to be. This... Continue Reading →

Woman Crush Wednesday: Marie Forleo

Today’s woman crush Wednesday goes to the incomparable Marie Forleo. I’m feeling a little (ok a lot) left out because I only recently discovered this amazing human and I feel a little crushed for having missed out on all her knowledge up to this point. I first found out about Marie Forleo when I was... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Brendon Burchard

There are some people that you see and just know that those people are truly living their purpose. Brendon Burchard is one of those people. I first learned about Brendon on an Episode of the Marie Forleo Podcast. He was on her podcast to discuss the high performance habits that the most successful people share... Continue Reading →

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