26 Lessons In 26 Years

26 Lessons In 26 Years The 26 most important, practical, and funny lessons I've learned so far on this crazy life journey ********************************************************************************* I’ve been feeling rather reflective lately with my birthday coming and going. Looking back on these past 26 years I realized that I’ve been through a shit ton of stuff. And some... Continue Reading →

25 Lessons I’ve Learned in 25 Years

So I just recently turned 26 and it’s got me thinking. First of all, it’s got me realizing that when we’re little we have no idea what ‘becoming an adult’ is really like, and that we are in way too much of a rush to get through childhood and ‘start living our lives’. Each new... Continue Reading →

Woman Crush Wednesday: Kesha

Music is more than simply notes strewn together; it’s an experience. How many of us have a song that when we hear it, remember our first heartbreak, or a first love? Music has the power to be the soundtrack to our biggest moments, our worst days, our best days, and everything in between. There are... Continue Reading →

Why ‘Life Lessons Laugh Sessions’?

I cannot believe I haven’t actually written about this before now. I was thinking today about this blog, basically my happy place, and I realized I didn’t even explain why I named it “Life Lessons, Laugh Sessions” and I think it’s a good time to explain myself. My life has always been a major adventure.... Continue Reading →

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