Man Crush Monday: Gary Vaynerchuk

I’ve written and rewritten this post so many times because I wanted it to be as awesome as the person about whom it’s being written. But then that same person’s voice goes off in my head telling me to fuck trying to make this post perfect and to just dive in and do it. I’m... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Hoodie Allen

Alright so I’m going to try and write this with a journalistic pen and not with a fangirling brain but I really can’t make any promises. I love concerts, I have for as long as I can remember. I love pretty much everything about them. I love the loud music, I love the screaming fans,... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Chris Harder

I love discovering new people to learn from. Any time I have the chance to discover a new source of learning I get super excited (we’re talking internal dancing happening). When I found out about this awesome human I did a major happy dance because I’d already known about him (adjacent at least) for a... Continue Reading →

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