Man Crush Monday: Brandin Cohen and LIQUID I.V.

Man Crush Monday: Brandin Cohen and his life changing mission and brand, LIQUID I.V. ********************************************************************************** This blog post is a Man Crush Monday / company I love post because I just had to. I’ve been a huge fan of today’s Man Crush Monday since I heard him on a fabulous episode of The Balanced Blonde... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Gary Vaynerchuk

I’ve written and rewritten this post so many times because I wanted it to be as awesome as the person about whom it’s being written. But then that same person’s voice goes off in my head telling me to fuck trying to make this post perfect and to just dive in and do it. I’m... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Hoodie Allen

Alright so I’m going to try and write this with a journalistic pen and not with a fangirling brain but I really can’t make any promises. I love concerts, I have for as long as I can remember. I love pretty much everything about them. I love the loud music, I love the screaming fans,... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Brendon Burchard

There are some people that you see and just know that those people are truly living their purpose. Brendon Burchard is one of those people. I first learned about Brendon on an Episode of the Marie Forleo Podcast. He was on her podcast to discuss the high performance habits that the most successful people share... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Nick Ortner

Tapping has changed my life. Even six months ago I’d never even heard of tapping. But thanks to podcasts I’ve discovered Nick Ortner and the magic of tapping. Nick Ortner is the CEO of Tapping Solutions LLC. Tapping is a really simple yet super effective technique for natural pain relief and so many other things.... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Chris Harder

I love discovering new people to learn from. Any time I have the chance to discover a new source of learning I get super excited (we’re talking internal dancing happening). When I found out about this awesome human I did a major happy dance because I’d already known about him (adjacent at least) for a... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday Joe Santagato

YouTube is full of "funny" people. It's full of those people who tell jokes you've heard a million times that at this point you're agreeing with the crickets. There are however a select few people on YouTube that are genuinely funny. I find the people who are the funniest and have the following to prove... Continue Reading →

Man Crush Monday: Muscle Nation

This is an appreciative #ManCrushMonday. Muscle Nation is a fitness community welcoming to all. They're a great group of people who are passionate about fitness and who simply want to help others.   These gents are some of the most helpful people in the fitness community. Whenever you have questions they're always there to answer... Continue Reading →

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